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200 documents correspondent à votre requête
Lafay, Gregoire |
A new experimental approach for urban soundscape characterization based on sound manipulation; a pilot study [Lafay14a] [3] |
2014 |
Susini, Patrick |
Sound design: an applied, experimental framework to study the perception of everyday sounds. [Susini14b] [1] |
2014 |
Schwarz, Diemo |
Interactive Sound Texture Synthesis Through Semi-Automatic User Annotations [Schwarz14a] [2] |
2014 |
Boyer, Eric O. |
Learning Movement Kinematics with a Targeted Sound [Boyer14a] [2] |
2014 |
Lemaitre, Guillaume |
Non-Verbal Imitations as a Sketching Tool for Sound Design [Lemaitre14a] [2] |
2014 |
Houix, Olivier |
Sonically Augmented Artifacts: Design Methodology Through Participatory Workshops [Houix14a] [1] |
2014 |
Françoise, Jules |
MaD: Mapping by Demonstration for Continuous Sonification [Frann§oise14c] [3] |
2014 |
Bertet, Stéphanie |
Investigation on localisation accuracy for first and higher order ambisonics reproduced sound sources [Bertet13a] [1] |
2013 |
Savary, Matthieu |
Dirty Tangible Interfaces: Expressive Control of Computers with True Grit [Savary13a] [3] |
2013 |
Bresson, Jean |
Reduction as a Transition Controller for Sound Synthesis Events [Bresson13b] [3] |
2013 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |