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90 documents correspondent à votre requête
Dubnov, Shlomo |
Emotion - Is it measurable? [Dubnov97b] [3] |
1997 |
Eckel, Gerhard |
A Signal Editor for the Ircam Musical Workstation [Eckel90a] [3] |
1990 |
Fingerhut, Michel |
ISMIR 2002 Conference Proceedings [Fingerhut02b] [7] |
2002 |
Freund, Anton |
Lattice-based and Topological Representations of Binary Relations with an Application to Music [Freund15a] [1] |
2015 |
Gribonval, Rémi |
Sound Signals Decomposition Using a High Resolution Matching Pursuit [Gribonval96a] [3] |
1996 |
Hélie, Thomas |
Convergence of series expansions for some infinite dimensional nonlinear systems [Helie10f] [3] |
2010 |
Hélie, Thomas |
Computable convergence bounds of series expansions for infinite dimensional linear-analytic systems and application [Helie14b] [1] |
2014 |
Hézard, Thomas |
A source-filter separation algorithm for voiced sounds based on an exact anticausal/causal pole decomposition for the class of periodic signals [Hezard13b] [3] |
2013 |
Houix, Olivier |
A Lexical Analysis of Environmental Sound Categories [Houix12a] [1] |
2012 |
Huber, Stefan |
On glottal source shape parameter transformation using a novel deterministic and stochastic speech analysis and synthesis system [Huber15b] [3] |
2015 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |