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202 documents correspondent à votre requête
Rodet, Xavier |
Macintosh Graphical Interface and Improvements to Generalized Diphone Control and Synthesis [Rodet96a] [3] |
1996 |
Corteel, Etienne |
Listening Room Compensation for Wave Field Synthesis. What Can Be Done? [Corteel03a] [3] |
2003 |
Bresson, Jean |
La synthèse sonore en composition musicale assistée par ordinateur [Bresson07c] [4] |
2007 |
Wanderley, Marcelo M. |
KANSEI - The Technology of Emotion Workshop [Wanderley98a] [6] |
1998 |
Veaux, Christophe |
IrcamCorpusTools: an extensible platform for speech corpora exploitation [Veaux08a] [3] |
2008 |
Schwarz, Diemo |
Interactive Sound Texture Synthesis Through Semi-Automatic User Annotations [Schwarz14a] [2] |
2014 |
Schwarz, Diemo |
Interacting with a Corpus of Sounds [Schwarz13b] [3] |
2013 |
Schwarz, Diemo |
Interacting with a Corpus of Sounds [Schwarz14c] [1] |
2014 |
Depalle, Philippe |
Instruments virtuels, les vertus du possible [Depalle97b] [1] |
1997 |
Rovan, Joseph Butch |
Instrumental Gestural Mapping Strategies as Expressivity Determinants in Computer Music Performance [Rovan97a] [3] |
1997 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |