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17 documents correspondent à votre requête
Vos, Hans J. |
Analysis and reproduction of the frequency spectrum and directivity of a violin [Vos03a] [3] |
2003 |
Serafin, Stefania |
Gestural control of a real-time physical model of a bowed string instrument [Serafin99a] [3] |
1999 |
Serafin, Stefania |
Friction and application to real-time physical modeling of a violin [Serafin99b] [3] |
1999 |
Serafin, Stefania |
Gestural Control of a Real-Time Physical Model of a Bowed String Instrument [Serafin99c] [3] |
1999 |
Schwarz, Diemo |
Corpus-Based Improvisation [Schwarz11d] [3] |
2011 |
Schoonderwaldt, Erwin |
Combining accelerometer and video camera: Reconstruction of bow velocity profiles [Schoonderwaldt06a] [3] |
2006 |
Rasamimanana, Nicolas |
Gesture Analysis of Violin Bow Strokes (abstract) [Rasamimanana05a] [3] |
2005 |
Rasamimanana, Nicolas |
Gesture Analysis of Violin Bow Strokes [Rasamimanana06a] [2] |
2006 |
Rasamimanana, Nicolas |
String Bowing Gestures at Varying Bow Stroke Frequencies: A Case Study (abstract) [Rasamimanana07a] [3] |
2007 |
Leroy, Nicolas |
Reflective Optical Pickup For Violin [Leroy06a] [3] |
2006 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |