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62 documents correspondent à votre requête
Maniatakos, Fivos |
Cephalomorphic interface for emotion-based music synthesis [Maniatakos07b] [3] |
2007 |
Marin, Cécile |
Segregation of Concurrent Sounds [Marin91a] [1] |
1991 |
Marin, Cécile |
The Role of Auditory Beats Induced by Frequency Modulation and Polyperiodicity in the Perception of Spectrally Embedded Complex Target Sounds [Marin96a] [1] |
1996 |
McAdams, Stephen |
Auditory Processing of Frequency Modulation Coherence [McAdams90a] [3] |
1990 |
McAdams, Stephen |
Introduction to Auditory Cognition [McAdams93c] [2] |
1993 |
McAdams, Stephen |
Perceptual Scaling of Synthesized Musical Timbres [McAdams95a] [1] |
1995 |
Obin, Nicolas |
Cries and Whispers - Classification of Vocal Effort in Expressive Speech [Obin12d] [3] |
2012 |
Obin, Nicolas |
On the Generalization of Shannon Entropy for Speech Recognition [Obin12e] [3] |
2012 |
Obin, Nicolas |
On Automatic Voice Casting for Expressive Speech: Speaker Recognition vs. Speech Classification [Obin14c] [3] |
2014 |
Orio, Nicola |
Score Following: State of the Art and New Developments [Orio03a] [3] |
2003 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |