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%0 Report
%A Santon, François
%A Marchioni, Alain
%A Susini, Patrick
%T The intelligibility of speech in the presence of an echo and of noise : an example of some phonetic transitions
%D 1994
%C Marseille
%I Publication du LMA (Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique
%F Santon94a
%K intelligibilité
%K effet de coloration
%K parole
%X The intelligibility of speech in noise is a good example of the detection of a real signal. The presence of an echo of the original signal or direct sound (by analogy with room acoustics) has an obvious interest, because an early echo increases intelligibility, while a delayed echo deteriorates it.
Recent works have shown that the auditory integration of an echo with a short delay is not complete in the presence of noise. Those measurements were performed using intelligibility scores.
We have measured the Speech Reception Threshold (SRP) corresponding to a given intelligibility score for various phonetic transitions and various delays. The results show irregular variations of the SRP according to the delay and phonetic transitions.
%1 9
%2 1