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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Assayag, Gérard
    %A Dubnov, Shlomo
    %T Improvisation Planning and Jam Session Design using concepts of Sequence Variation and Flow Experience
    %D 2005
    %B Sound and Music Computing 2005
    %C Salerno
    %F Assayag05a
    %X We describe a model for improvisation design based on Factor Oracle automation, which is extended to perform learning and analysis of incoming sequences in terms of sequence variation parameters, namely replication, recombination and innovation. These parameters describe the improvisation plan and allow the design of new improvisations or analysis and modification of plans of existing improvisations. We further introduce an idea of flow experience that represents the various improvisation situations in a mental space that allows defining interactions between improvisers in terms of mental states and behavioural scripts.
    %1 6
    %2 2

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