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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Corteel, Etienne
    %A Nicol, Rozenn
    %T Listening Room Compensation for Wave Field Synthesis. What Can Be Done?
    %D 2003
    %B 23rd International Audio Engineering Society Conference
    %F Corteel03a
    %K Wave Field Synthesis
    %K Room compensation
    %X nteraction of a reproduction system with the listening room introduces distortions of the audio content. This paper aims at pointing out the key points that have to be addressed for compensating the listening room effect. It will be focussed on the particular case of sound reproduction using Wave Field Synthesis (WFS). As a volume solution, WFS reproduces a given sound _eld within an extended area covering the whole listening room, which means that room compensation can't be considered anymore for a limited set of individual positions. Therefore solutions for achieving efficient processing within an extended area will be proposed.
    %1 7
    %2 3

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