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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Ramstrum, Momilani
    %A Lemouton, Serge
    %T Realtime Performance Strategies for the Electronic Opera K...
    %D 2003
    %B International Computer Music Conference
    %C Singapore
    %F Ramstrum03a
    %X With K..., Philippe Manoury has created a largescale opera that effectively combines realtime electronics with operatic singers and full orchestra. The commitment to this process is due to the composer's belief that a realtime interactive system is the best method for integrating electronics and acoustic music without losing expressivity. This presentation will investigate the coordination of the composer, technicians, musicians, software, and hardware prerequisite to the realization of this opera.
    %1 6
    %2 3

    © Ircam - Centre Pompidou 2005.