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%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hahn, Henrik
%A Roebel, Axel
%A Burred, Juan José
%A Weinzierl, Stefan
%T Source-Filter Model for Quasi-Harmonic Instruments
%D 2010
%B Digital Audio Effects (DAFx)
%C Graz
%F Hahn10a
%K Source Filter Model
%K Music Instrument
%X In this paper we propose a new method for a generalized model representing the time-varying spectral characteristics of quasi - harmonic instruments. This approach comprises a linear source- filter model, a parameter estimation method and a model evalua- tion based on the prototype’s variance. The source-filter-model is composed of an excitation source generating sinusoidal parameter trajectories and a modeling resonance filter, whereas basic-splines (B-Splines) are used to model continuous trajectories. To estimate the model parameters we apply a gradient decent method to a train- ing database and the prototype’s variance is being estimated on a test database. Such a model could later be used as a priori knowl- edge for polyphonic instrument recognition, polyphonic transcrip- tion and source separation algorithms as well as for resynthesis.
%1 6
%2 3