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    %0 Journal Article
    %A Lagrange, Mathieu
    %A Scavone, Gary
    %A Depalle, Philippe
    %T Analysis / Synthesis of Sounds Generated by Sustained Contact between Rigid Objects
    %D 2010
    %B IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
    %V 18
    %N 3
    %P 509-518
    %F Lagrange10a
    %X This paper introduces an analysis/synthesis scheme that aims at reproducing sounds generated by sustained contact between rigid bodies. This scheme is rooted in a source/filter decomposition of the sound where the filter is described as a set of poles and the source is described as a set of impulses representing the energy transfer between the interacting objects. Compared to single impacts, sustained contact interactions like rolling and sliding make the estimation of the parameters of the source/filter model challenging because of two issues. First, the objects are almost continuously interacting, making the estimation of the poles of the filter more difficult. The second is that the source is generally unknown and has therefore to be modeled in a generic way. The proposed analysis/synthesis scheme combines advanced analysis techniques for the estimation of the poles and a flexible model of the source. It allows the modeling of a wide range of sounds. Examples are presented for objects of various shapes and sizes, rolling or sliding over plates of different materials. In order to demonstrate the versatility of the approach, the system is also considered for the modeling of sounds produced by percussive musical instruments.
    %1 1
    %2 3

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