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%0 Book Section
%A Caramiaux, Baptiste
%A Bevilacqua, Frédéric
%A Schnell, Norbert
%T Towards a Gesture-Sound Cross-Modal Analysis
%D 2010
%B Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer Interaction : LNAI 5934
%I Springer Verlag
%P 158-170
%F Caramiaux09d
%K Gesture analysis
%K Gesture-Sound Relationship
%K Sound Perception
%K Canonical Correlation Analysis
%X This article reports on the exploration of a method based on canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for the analysis of the relationship between gesture and sound in the context of music performance and listening. This method is a first step in the design of an analysis tool for gesture-sound relationships. In this exploration we used motion capture data recorded from sub jects performing free hand movements while listening to short sound examples. We assume that even though the relationship between gesture and sound might be more complex, at least part of it can be revealed and quantified by linear multivariate regression applied to the motion capture data and audio descriptors extracted from the sound examples. After outlining the theoretical background, the article shows how the method allows for pertinent reasoning about the relationship between gesture and sound by analysing the data sets recorded from multiple and individual subjects.
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