Résumé |
The purpuse of this study is to search for verbal correlates
of perceptual dimensions of musical timbre. In a previous
experiment, we extracted 23 most often used verbal attributes
from spontaneous verbalizations describing similarities and
differences between pairs of timbres and we tried to compare
their use with the relative positions of timbres along each
perceptual dimension. In this experiment, we used a VAME
paradigm to test more quantitatively these verbal attributes.
12 synthetic sounds were presented and rated on each of the
23 unipolar semantic scales. The results showed a good
agreement between subjects. We found 4 principal verbal
correlates for each perceptual dimension : "pas soufflé"
(not blown), "pincé" (plucked) "attaque rapide" (fast attack)
and "résonnant" (resonant) for the attack time dimension,
"rond" (round), "grave" (low/deep), "pas haut"
(not high/sharp/shrill), "large" (wide) for the spectral
centroïd dimension; and "riche" (rich) for the spectral
fine-structure dimension.