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%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Cauchi, Benjamin
%A Lagrange, Mathieu
%A Misdariis, Nicolas
%A Cont, Arshia
%T Saliency-based modeling of acoustic scenes using sparse non-negative matrix factorization : soundscape, NMF, perception
%D 2013
%B WIAMIS - Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
%C Paris
%F Cauchi13a
%X The modelling of auditory scenes is a challenging task in Computational Auditory Scene Analysis. A method based on sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization that can be used with no prior knowledge of the audio content to establish the similarity between scenes is proposed. The method is evaluated on a corpus of soundscapes of train stations issued from a perceptual study and results are compared with the human perception. The proposed method, by being able to focus on salient events within the scene, achieves better performances than a state-of-the-art Bag-of-Frames approach though not reaching the human performances.
%1 6
%2 3