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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Bouche, Dimitri
    %A Bresson, Jean
    %A Letz, Stéphane
    %T Programmation and control of Faust sound processing in OpenMusic
    %D 2014
    %C Athènes
    %F Bouche14a
    %K OpenMusic
    %K Faust
    %K CAC
    %K CAO
    %X We introduce OM-Faust, an OpenMusic library including objects and functions to write, compile and control Faust programs. Faust is a domain-specific functional programming language designed for DSP. The integration of Faust in OpenMusic enables composers to program and compile their own audio effects and synthesizers, controllable both in real-time or deferred time contexts. This implementation suggests a more general discussion regarding the relationship between real-time and off-line processing in computer-aided composition.
    %1 6
    %2 2

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