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    Catégorie de document Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès
    Titre Nonlinear Oscillations in Sustained Musical Instruments
    Sous-titre Models and Controls
    Auteur principal Xavier Rodet
    Colloque / congrès Euromech. Hamburg : Août 1993
    Comité de lecture Indéterminé
    Copyright Euromech
    Année 1993
    Statut éditorial Publié

    Many physical models of sustained musical instruments (strings, brass, reeds, flutes and voices) ha ve been proposed by researchers in acoustics and computer music. We focus on an interesting class including a memor yless nonlinearity, a time-delay term and a filtering kernel in the delay line. Stability, oscillation, and other conditions for the dynamic behavior of this class of models are studied leading to a surprising family of sounds with impo rtant properties such as a combination of harmonic and noise components. We have implemented real-time simulations using HTM, a tool for rapid prototyping of sound synthesis algorithms and control strategies. We have written a Motif-C++ graphical-user interface for experimentation with parameter values, display of signals, of spectra and of maps. This allows for easy experimentation and tests of models and parameter values. Sound results are demonstrated and discussed.

    Mots-clés physical model / musical instrument / acoustics / nonlinearcomputer music / oscillations
    Equipe Analyse et synthèse sonores
    Cotes Rodet93a / 93-110-Rod-Non-VIN-AS

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