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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Noll, Thomas
    %A Andreatta, Moreno
    %A Agon, Carlos
    %T Computer-Aided Transformational Analysis with Tone Sieves
    %D 2006
    %B SMC 06
    %C Marseille
    %F Noll06a
    %K Transformational theory
    %K sieve theory
    %K computational musicology
    %X Sieve-theoretical methods are one of the first historical ex-amples of theoretical tools whose implementational char-acter has largely contributed to the development of com-putational musicology. According to Xenakis’ original intuition, we distinguish between elementary transforma-tions of sieves and compound ones. This makes sense if the sieve construction is considered as part of the musical meaning, as we show by analyzing Scriabin’s Study for piano Op. 65 No. 3. This clearly suggests that the trans-formational character of sieve-theory is still open to new possible applications in computer-aided music analysis.
    %1 6
    %2 3

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