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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Sanson, Joseph
    %A Corteel, Etienne
    %A Warusfel, Olivier
    %T Objective and subjective evaluation of localisation accuracy in wave field sysnthesis
    %D 2008
    %B Audio Engineering Society
    %C Amsterdam
    %V preprint 7361
    %F Sanson08a
    %K wave field synthesis
    %K subjective evaluation
    %K localisation
    %X This paper analyses localization inaccuracies in the synthesis of virtual sound sources using Wave Field Synthesis (WFS), particularly at high frequencies. Objective and perceptual analyses are conducted through a binaural simulation of the actual sound field reproduced at the listener’s ears. The simulation consists in summing the respective contribution of each array transducer after filtering it with the appropriate HRTF according to the considered listener’s position. High-pass filtered white noises are used as a critical signal to investigate the impact of aliasing on localization accuracy. Objective and perceptual observations show that localization accuracy may degrade for off-centered listening positions which can be mainly attributed to a mismatch in the elicited Interaural Level Differences (ILD) above the aliasing frequency.
    %1 7
    %2 3

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