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%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Rodet, Xavier
%T One and Two Mass Model Oscillations for Voice and Instruments
%D 1995
%B ICMC: International Computer Music Conference
%C Banff
%F Rodet95c
%K analyse et synthèse sonores
%K trumpet
%K voice
%K physical models (computer simulations)
%K one-mass model
%K non linear dynamical model
%X Two movements seem possible for the lips of the trumpet player, upward and outward striking .
A basic model, using one or the other movement, is proposed so that its behavior can more easily
be understood and controlled. The two movements are compared. The model appears as a
dynamic system of two loops coupled by a nonlinear function, one loop describes the dynamics
of the single mass and the other represents the acoustic wave in the bore. Being much simpler,
this model is simulated in real time on a workstation, allowing for easy experimentation of
different designs and parameter values.
%1 7
%2 3