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Efficient Models for Reverberation and Distance Rendering in Computer Music and Virtual Audio Reality

Jean-Marc Jot

ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, Septembre 1997
Copyright © ICMA 1997


This paper discusses efficient digital signal processing algorithms for real-time synthesis of dynamically controllable, natural-sounding artificial reverberation. A general modular framework is proposed for configuring a spatial sound processing and mixing system according to the reproduction format or setup and the listening conditions, over loudspeakers or headphones. In conclusion, the implementation and applications of a spatial sound processing software are described, and approaches to control interface design and effective distance effects are reviewed.

1 Introduction

Immersive real-time audio requires synthesizing and dynamically controlling directional panning and room reverberation effects over headphones or loudspeakers. Artificial reverberation is necessary to ensure a convincing degree of realism of the virtual sound scene and provide control over the perceived distance of virtual sound sources. Applications of spatial sound processing and artificial reverberation techniques include the production of live or recorded music and soundtracks, multimedia and virtual reality, or predictive evaluation in architectural acoustics. The degree of accuracy required in the signal processing for rendering the reverberation effects differs from one application to another, ranging from generic effects to the accurate simulation of a physical reality. Furthermore, the type of application influences the design of the control interface for updating or manipulating room reverberation parameters.

This paper discusses spatial sound processing algorithms and models with consideration of the following criteria: (a) naturalness and realism of the synthetic reverberation, with explicit and accurate control over the energy decay and distribution vs. time and frequency; (b) flexibility of the processing and mixing architecture with respect to the reproduction format or setup and the listening conditions; (c) computational efficiency of the system, both from the signal processing point of view and with regards to the implementation of a dynamic control interface. In conclusion, the implementation and applications of a real-time spatial sound processing software, called Spat, are described, and models for dynamically controlling early reflections and later reverberation processing parameters according to the positions and movements of the sound sources and the listener are discussed.

2 Artificial reverberation algorithms

Room reverberation can be rendered by convolving the input signal with a measured or synthetic impulse response. Recently developed algorithms [1] have made it possible to implement real-time convolution by very long impulse responses with no input-output delay and without exceeding the computational capacity of current programmable digital signal processors (about 40 MIPS - millions of multiply-adds per second). The convolution approach is well suited for comparative or predictive "auralization" of concert halls, auditoria or sound systems for evaluation purposes, when headphones or a controlled listening environment allow taking full advantage of the accuracy of the technique. However, convolution relies, by definition, on a cumbersome low-level representation (the impulse response), implying a complex updating scheme for any interactive manipulation of the synthetic reverberation.

The traditional approach to real-time synthetic reverberation is based on delay networks combining feedforward paths to render early reflections and feedback paths to synthesize the later reverberation [2 - 7]. This approach cannot guarantee the same degree of accuracy as convolution with a measured impulse response, but provides a more efficient parametrization for dynamic control of the synthetic reverberation effect. The use of feedback delay networks (FDNs) for artificial reverberation can be justified fundamentally by a stochastic model of late reverberation decays assuming that sufficient overlap (or "density") of acoustic modes in the frequency domain and of reflections in the time domain are achieved [2, 8]. Under these assumptions, later reflections can be modeled as a Gaussian exponentially decaying random process, characterized by a spectral envelope, denoted E(), and the decay time vs. frequency Tr() [8].

2.1 Feedback delay networks

A general framework was proposed in [6, 8] for optimizing the design of the FDN structure separately from the control of reverberation characteristics. Any FDN can be represented as a set of digital delay lines whose inputs and outputs are connected by a feedback matrix A (Fig. 1) which defines the FDN structure [4]. A "prototype network" is defined as any network having only non-decaying and non-increasing eigenmodes (which implies that all system poles have unit magnitude, and corresponds to an infinite reverberation time). Associating an attenuation gi = mi to each delay unit (where mi is the delay length expressed in samples) then has the effect of multiplying all poles by , i. e. multiplying the reference impulse response by a decaying exponential envelope. Frequency-dependent decay characteristics, specified by the reverberation time vs. frequency Tr(), are obtained by use of "absorptive filters" making each attenuation gi frequency-dependent:
where i = mi T is the delay length expressed in seconds and T is the sample period.

An equivalent framework for reverberator design is given by digital waveguide networks (DWNs) [5]. A DWN arises from the physical modeling of several interconnected acoustic tubes, and is defined as a set of bi-directional delay lines connected by "scattering junctions". A reverberator can be designed by building a prototype DWN having lossless scattering junctions and then introducing frequency-dependent losses [5]. The practical implementation involves splitting each bi-directional delay line into a pair of (mono-directional) delay units, which makes it equivalent to a FDN. Consequently, losses can be introduced by the above method to provide explicit control over the decay time Tr(). Conversely, any FDN can be expressed as a DWN having a single (not necessarily physical) scattering junction characterized by the matrix A [7].

The total delay length i(i) gives the "modal density" of the artificial reverberator (average number of eigenmodes per Hz) [2, 6, 8]. By taking i(i) at least equal to one fourth of the decay time, a sufficient modal overlap can be achieved [8]. With an appropriate choice of the feedback matrix and care to avoid degenerated cases in the distribution of delay lengths [2, 8], the impulse response can be made indistinguishable from an exponentially decaying random Gaussian noise with a frequency-dependent decay rate. Designing the absorptive filters according to (1) maintains a constant frequency density along the decay by imposing a uniform decay of all neighboring modes at any frequency, and thus avoiding isolated "ringing modes" in the end of the reverberator's response.

Figure 1: Basic feedback delay network

2.2 Classes of prototype networks

It can be shown [
6 - 8] that a prototype network (i. e. having all poles on the unit circle) is obtained whenever the feedback matrix A (usually real) is unitary (or orthogonal), i. e. A* A = I, where A* denotes the (Hermitian) transpose of A. More generally [7], a sufficient condition is that A be lossless, i. e. that there exist a Hermitian, positive definite matrix such that A*  A =  (which includes unitary matrices when  = I).

The unitarity character can be defined not only for mixing matrices, but more generally for N-input, N-output delay networks: a system is said to be unitary if its matrix transfer function H(z) is unitary for any complex variable z on the unit circle, (or, equivalently, if signal energy is preserved through the system) [9]. Unitary networks are thus defined as the multichannel equivalent of allpass filters. Similarly, one could define a lossless network as a network having a lossless matrix transfer function. This extension corresponds to a generalized definition of the energy of a multichannel signal (replacing the L2 norm with the elliptic norm induced by the matrix , i. e. ||x||2 = x*  x ) [7].

It has been shown [8] that any FDN whose open loop forms a unitary (or allpass) system has all of its poles on the unit circle (combining arguments in [7] and [8], it can be shown that this is also valid for lossless loops). We thus obtain a general class of prototype FDNs for artificial reverberation by applying feedback around any allpass or unitary -or, more generally, lossless- delay network. Arbitrarily complex unitary networks can be built by cascading or embedding unitary or allpass networks, which provides a wide variety of prototype FDNs (exhibiting not necessarily unitary feedback matrices) [8]. Similarly, a general class of arbitrarily complex prototype networks is given by DWNs with multiple lossless scattering junctions [5, 7]. However, despite the isomorphism between FDNs and DWNs mentioned earlier, the connections between the two corresponding classes of prototype networks remain to be further studied.

2.3 Practical FDN design

Whatever the design of the prototype network, it can always be viewed as a way of interconnecting a set of delay lines to form a feedback delay network as in Fig. 1. The resulting feedback matrix A is a useful characterization for predicting and optimizing the behavior of the prototype network in the time domain.

The matrix A should have no null coefficients, so that the recirculation through multiple delays produces a faster increase of the "echo density" along the time response. To speed up the convergence towards a Gaussian amplitude distribution, the "crest factor" of the matrix A (ratio of largest coefficient over RMS average of all coefficients) should be minimum. Ideally, all coefficients should have the same magnitude.

Several families of unitary matrices can satisfy this criterion, while allowing to minimize the complexity of an implementation on a programmable processor. The following solutions require generally O[N log2N] numerical operations (instead of N2) for a N by N matrix, and can provide low crest factors:

When A satisfies these criteria, 8 to 16 delay units with a total length of 1 to 2 seconds are sufficient in practice to ensure the desired density in the synthetic reverberation, in both the time and frequency domains, even for very long or infinite reverberation times [8].

To design reverberators with multiple input and/or output channels, the prototype network should be made to behave as a "multichannel noise generator": the set of impulse responses associated to the different input/output channel combinations should be equivalent to a set of mutually uncorrelated white Gaussian noises with equal variance. This can be obtained with the structure of Fig. 1, A being a real unitary matrix [8]. The FDN can thus be used to simulate a diffuse sound field as shown on Fig. 2, or to add reverberation on a prerecorded multi-channel signal without affecting its spectral content and balance.

Figure 2: Conceptual analog of multi-channel reverberator simulating diffuse-field reverberation

2.4 Control of decay characteristics

In order to control the reverberation spectrum E() and the decay rate Tr() independently, it is necessary to know how the power gain of the FDN is affected by the attenuation introduced by the absorptive filters. Assuming a unitary feedback matrix, the total power gain of the loop is k = i(gi2), where gi is given by (
1). The power gain of the FDN is thus given by k+k2+k3+... = k/(1-k). Consequently, the spectrum E(), the reverberation time Tr() and the delay lengths i can be controlled independently by inserting a correcting filter c() in series with the FDN:
|c()|2 = E() (1/k - 1) (2)

where k = i [ 10-6i / Tr()]

Equations (
1) and (2) provide explicit control over the reverberation time Tr() and the spectrum E() with an error smaller than a few percents or a fraction of a dB, respectively. The design of each filter gi() and c() can be optimized by a dedicated analysis-synthesis procedure to simulate the diffuse reverberation decay of an existing room, with arbitrary accuracy and frequency resolution [10]. An FDN as shown on Fig. 1 can simulate the late diffuse reverberation of a room with the same degree of accuracy and naturalness as a reverberation technique based on convolution with an exponentially decaying noise sample. However, FDNs offer the advantage of providing several independent input or output channels (Fig. 2) for no additional processing cost, and dynamic control of decay characteristics through a small set of filter coefficients.

A parametric control of the reverberation time vs. frequency can be implemented, for a wide range of applications, with simple 1rst- or 2nd-order absorptive filters [6, 8]. Biquadratic filters using 5 coefficients and designed to satisfy (1) allow control of the decay time in three independent frequency bands, with adjustable crossover frequencies. The signal-processing cost of the reverberation module of Fig. 1 is then equal to N (log2N + 7) operations per sample period (about 4 MIPS at a 48 kHz sample rate, if N = 8).

2.5 Early reflections module

Separate control of the early reflections and the late diffuse reverberation is typically achieved by associating a finite impulse response (FIR) filter with the FDN, providing several delayed and scaled copies of the input signal, as shown in Fig. 3. The proposed designs have differed essentially in the method of associating the early reflections module and the late reverberation module. Connecting them in cascade, i. e. feeding the summed output of the early reflections module to the input of the reverberation module, offers the advantage that the initial echo density in the synthetic reverberation is substantially increased [3]. However, the "comb filter" coloration associated to the discrete set of early reflections is then transmitted to the late reverberation. Minimizing this coloration must then become a criterion in adjusting early reflection parameters.

Alternately [4], the early reflections module can feed the late reverberation module without prior summing of all reflections on a single channel. This approach can be adapted as shown on Fig. 4 to provide control over the delay time and amplitude of each early reflection without affecting the tonal quality and decay characteristics of the later reverberation [8, 11]. Furthermore, in the implementation of Fig. 4, early reflections are rendered as N/2 stereo components, with left/right amplitude and time differences allowing to control their lateralization individually. The lengths of the delay units in the early and reverb modules can be easily set to adjust the overlap between the corresponding groups of reflections. The reverberator of Fig. 5 requires N (log2N + 9) numerical operations per sample period (about 5 MIPS at 48 kHz, if N = 8).

To simulate several sound sources in the same virtual room, this structure can be extended by connecting several early modules to a single reverb module [8]. Early reflection parameters can then be set differently for each source, and this will have the interesting consequence that the synthetic late reverberation responses produced associated to the individual source channels are mutually uncorrelated realizations of the same exponentially decaying random process, as would be the case for several sources placed at different positions in a real room [8].

Figure 3: Early reflections module

Figure 4: Spatial processor for two-channel stereo

2.6 Generalization - Room module

The preceding approach can be generalized to partition the impulse response of the reverberator into several temporal sections, by (a) cascading several unitary delay networks, (b) applying feedback to the last network and associating an absorptive filter to each of its delay units, (c) collecting the output signals after each stage to form the output of the reverberator.

An illustration of this design method is given by the Room algorithm in Fig. 6, which is composed of three cascaded unitary delay networks to provide the generic room reverberation response shown on Fig. 5. The first stage is simply an early module as previously described (Fig. 3 and 4), which can be viewed as a 1-input, N-output unitary system (except for a scaling factor). The cluster and reverb modules are both built by cascading a unitary mixing matrix and a delay bank (with feedback for the reverb module).

The R1 section in the impulse response (Fig. 5) contains N/2 left reflections and N/2 right reflections adjustable in amplitude and time. The R2 section contains N2 reflections distributed to 4 uncorrelated channels, as is the R3section (which has an even higher echo density). The overlap between these different time sections is adjustable (with the only constraint that Rn must start later than Rn-1 and be at least as long). The total signal processing cost of the Room module is 2N (log2N + 3) + 48, i. e. 144 operations per sample period if N = 8, or 7 MIPS at 48 kHz, including 3-band parametric shelving equalization for the direct sound and each section of the reverberation, separately.

Figure 5: Generic reverberation model

Figure 6: Association of Room and Pan modules forming a Spat processor

3 Directional encoding and mixing in different formats and contexts

A spatial sound processing and mixing system can be divided into two main signal processing stages (we assume, for the moment, a mono source signal and a single listener). The first stage (denoted Room in
Fig. 6) synthesizes the temporal (reverberation) and spectral effects. It produces several signals derived from the source signal and representing the direct sound, each early reflection and the late reverberation decay (mixing these different components into a single mono signal reconstructs the acoustic information which would be captured by an omnidirectional microphone placed at the notional listening position in the virtual sound scene). The second processing stage (denoted Pan) synthesizes the directional effect associated to each of these sound component and mixes the resulting signals in a given multichannel output format.

A complex sound scene can be synthesized by processing several individual monophonic source signals independently and mixing the results at the output of the respective Pan stages. A final output processing stage (denoted Out) will generally be necessary to perform decoding and/or equalization before feeding the loudspeaker or headphone system. The auditory sensation experienced by the final human listener should ideally be indisguishable from what he or she would experience if placed in the virtual sound scene at a given position (when there are several listeners, we assume here that the acoustic goal is the same for all of them).

3.1 Directional encoding and reproduction techniques

The Pan stage includes several elementary panning modules (Fig. 7) to process the direct sound and early reflections. These can be based on a pairwise intensity panning technique [12] or emulate a multi-microphone technique (e. g. binaural or B-format recording, or any conventional stereophonic or quadraphonic technique). The linear filters hi (Fig. 7), controlled by coordinates specifying the direction of the sound, can include delays (to simulate spaced pick-up points) and filtering (emulating the directivity of the pick-up transducers).

With an encoding technique producing direct loudspeaker feeds (pairwise panning, conventional stereo techniques), the configuration of the loudspeaker setup is determined at the directional encoding / mixing stage. The binaural format and the 4-channel B-format, on the other hand, are generic three-dimensional encoding schemes associated with decoding techniques allowing reproduction on various loudspeaker arrangements, or headphones [13, 14, 11]. None of these 3-D sound techniques provides a superior performance to all other techniques in all situations: the choice of the most adequate encoding format and listening setup is based on performance and cost criteria according to the application context (individual listening over headphones or loudspeakers, domestic hi-fi, movie theater system, concert situation, presence of concurrent visual cues...) [15]. Ideally, a spatial sound processing and mixing system should be configurable to produce a mix in any of the above mentioned formats, while the acoustic specification of the virtual sound scene should be defined independently of the chosen format.

Figure 7: Elementary directional encoding module

3.2 Directional distribution - Pan module

Adapting the system to a given output format simply implies replacing each elementary panning module (along with the diffuse distribution module necessary for the late reverberation). Typically, the Pan stage should include an individual panning module for each synthetic early reflection. However, in a natural situation, the directions of the early reflections are not perceived individually. This can be exploited in order to improve the efficiency and modularity of the mixing architecture.

Assigning to all early reflections the same direction as the direct sound would be an excessive simplification, creating the risk of a perceived coloration of the source signal in many cases. On the other hand, a fixed diffuse distribution of early reflections would imply the loss of valuable directional cues [12]. An intermediate approach consists of selecting a subset of early reflections coming from directions close to the direct sound and adopting a diffuse incidence approximation for other reflections. The directional group of reflections can be rendered by producing two independent (left and right) distributions of early reflections to form a "halo" surrounding the direction of the direct sound. This is illustrated in Fig. 8 in the case of a frontal sound reproduced over a 3/2-stereo loudspeaker arrangement.

This principle can be applied to any 2-D or 3-D encoding format, by panning the left and right early reflection signals according to the direction specified for the direct sound, so that the relative directions of the three signals are preserved. As shown in Fig. 6, this requires only two panning modules for early reflections, instead of one per reflection. The modularity of the system is also improved: the Room and Pan stages now appear as two independent modules associated in cascade. A general intermediate transmission format is defined, comprising a center channel (C) conveying the direct sound, two channels (L and R) conveying directional reflections, and four additional ("surround") channels conveying diffuse reflections and reverberation. The Room module thus appears as a reverberator directly compatible with the 3/2-stereo format, while the Pan module appears as a format converter simultaneously realizing the directional panning function.

Figure 8: Distribution of direct sound and reverberation signals on a 3/2-stereo setup (for a frontal sound).

3.3 Binaural encoding

In the particular case of binaural encoding, the Room - Pan structure of
Fig. 6 still allows individual panning of each early reflection, provided that this be realized in the Room module instead of the Pan module. Although it implies a loss of modularity, this mode can be kept as a special option for accurate auralization using binaural techniques. However, implementing a binaural panning module requires about 140 operations per sample period, i. e. about 7 MIPS at 48 kHz (assuming that the two directional filters h1 and h2 are both made of a variable delay line cascaded with a 12th-order variable IIR filter) [11]. A drastic improvement in efficiency can be obtained by introducing perceptually-based approximations in the rendering of spectral cues for early reflections [11]. The general approach consists of reducing the order of the filters hi (possibly down to preserving only frequency-independent time and amplitude interaural difference cues), and lumping the remaining spectral cues in an "average" binaural filter (shown on Fig. 4) for the whole set of early reflections. Similarly, the diffuse reverberation requires a static filter simulating the "diffuse-field head-related transfer function" as well as a 2x2 mixing matrix for controlling the interaural cross-correlation coefficient vs. frequency.

Adopting diffuse-field normalization for all binaural synthesis filters in the system eliminates the "diffuse" filter, and a further perceptually-based approximation eliminates the "average" filter too [11]. The stereo spatial processor of Fig. 4 can thus be turned into a binaural processor essentially without modifying the reverberator itself. The only significant increase in complexity results from replacing, in the direct sound path, the stereo panning module by a binaural one.

3.4 Equalization in listening rooms

For loudspeaker reproduction in anechoic conditions, all necessary corrections can be implemented as inverse equalization filters after mixing, and can be merged with the decoding operation in the case of transaural or Ambisonic techniques (Out module). This includes time and spectrum alignment of all loudspeaker channels, as well as level and spectrum normalization between different directional encoding techniques and setups. The only remaining discrepancies between situations then result from the intrinsic performance of the 3-D sound techniques, in terms of localization accuracy and robustness of the sound image according to the position of the listener. In a practical context, however, the effects of the reverberation of the listening room must also be considered, and compensated, if necessary, to maintain the desired control over reverberation and distance effects, irrespective of the listening conditions.

Applying the inverse filtering approach to typical rooms is impractical because it involves complex deconvolution filters and strong constraints on the listening position. However, assuming that it is sufficient to specify the desired room response as a distribution of energy vs. time, frequency and direction, one can handle the equalization of the direct sound by inverse filtering, while the remaining effects due to the reverberation of the listening room are corrected by deconvolving echograms instead of amplitude responses.

Rather than attempting to cancel listening room reflections, this approach takes them into account to automatically derive optimal settings for the synthetic reverberation parameters, so as to produce the desired target echogram at the reference listening position. The implementation of this "context compensation module" (shown in Fig. 9) is simplified if the synthetic and target reverberation -denoted R and T, respectively- are modeled by partitioning their energy distribution in adjacent time sections (Fig. 5) and frequency bands. The listening context is then characterized, in each frequency band, by a set of energy weights Cijk (representing the contribution of section Rj of the synthetic room effect to section Tk of the target room effect, via loudspeaker i). The coefficients Cijk are computed off-line from echograms measured for each loudspeaker, with an omnidirectional microphone placed at the reference listening position. The compensation is computed in each frequency band by solving [Tk] = [Cjk] [Rj] to derive the energies Rj (the matrix inversion is straightforward since, due to causality, the matrix C is lower triangular). The matrix C depends on the (azimuth and elevation) panning coordinates and the directional reproduction technique: Cjk = i[sij Cijk], where sij is the energy contribution of section Rj in loudspeaker i.

This technique (which can be extended to process live acoustic sources with close miking) suffers from two fundamental limitations. (1) When the existing room effect his too strong compared to the target room effect, the inversion yields unrealizable negative energy values for some of the synthetic reverberation parameters. This could be remedied by an improved optimization algorithm including a positivity constraint and based on minimizing a perceptual dissimilarity criterion. (2) Although the method allows controlling the global intensity of early reflections at the listening position, their temporal and directional distribution can not be controlled exactly (this would imply extending the inverse filtering approach to early reflections). Despite these limitations, a prototype real-time implementation (in 3 frequency bands and 4 time sections) tested in a variable acoustic room, has confirmed that this method allows a convincing simulation of a reverberant configuration in a less reverberant one, without increasing the constraints on the listening position.

Figure 9: General structure of a Spat processor

4 Architecture and applications of a spatial sound processing software

The conventional mixing architecture, where directional localization effects and reverberation effects are rendered by independent processing units, implies strong limitations for interactive and immersive 3-D audio. These relate to the heterogeneity of the control interface, the adaptation to various reproduction formats, and the control of reverberation and distance effects [

Chowning [12] introduced the principle of a higher-level perceptually-based control interface for independent control of the angular localization and the perceived distance r, resulting in a 2-D graphic interface for simulating moving sources. Angular panning was applied to the direct sound and a fraction of the reverberation, while the distance cue involved simultaneous attenuation in intensity of the direct sound (1/r2) and the reverberation signal (1/r) [12]. Moore's system [16] used more sophisticated reverberation algorithms [3] and provided individual control of each early reflection in time, intensity and direction, according to the geometry and physical characteristics of the walls of the virtual room, the position and directivity of each sound source, and the geometry of the loudspeaker setup. Both of these designs involve controlling the pattern or distribution of the reflections according to the position of the sound source, which implies that an independent reverberation processor must be associated to each source channel in the mixing system (or, alternatively, to each output channel [12]).

The Spat processor of Fig. 6 presents an intermediate approach: early reflections are handled separately from the later reverberation, yet not with the exhaustivity of Moore's model. The software library includes several families of elementary modules (early, cluster, reverb, pan...) which can be combined to build reverberation and mixing systems. The Pan and Out modules (Fig. 9) can be configured for pairwise intensity panning, B-format, stereo or binaural encoding, with reproduction over headphones or various 2-D or 3-D loudspeaker arrangements. The Room module can be implemented in several versions differing in the number of internal channels N and the flexibility of the generic model (with or without the early and cluster modules, or sharing the reverb module between several sources). The heaviest implementations of a complete Spat processor according to Fig. 9 involve a theoretical processing cost of 20 MIPS at 48 kHz, which is within the capacity of e. g. a Motorola DSP56002.

A higher-level control interface (Fig. 9) provides a parametrization independent from the chosen encoding format. Reverberation settings can be derived from the analysis of measured room responses. Reverberation and distance effects can be dynamically controlled via perceptual attributes [17, 15] (derived from earlier psycho-experimental research carried out at IRCAM), or via physically-based statistical models. These models provide efficient alternatives to the geometrical (image source) model [16], which entails a prohibitive complexity for real-time tracking of source or listener movements, unless restricted to particularly simple room geometries and only the first few reflections.

The Spat software can be used in a wide variety of applications due to its adaptability to various output formats and mixing configurations [15]. It is currently implemented as a collection of modules in the FTS/Max environment, and runs in real time on Silicon Graphics or NeXT/ISPW workstations. Since its initial release [17], it has been used for musical composition and production of concerts and installations, and in the post-production of CD recordings using 3-D sound effects. Other current applications include assisted reverberation systems for auditoria and research on human-computer interfaces, virtual reality, and room acoustics perception.

5 Acknowledgments

The author would like to acknowledge the contribution of O. Warusfel through discussions, collaboration in the experimental work, and, with J.-P. Jullien, G. Bloch and E. Kahle, their input on perceptual and musical aspects in the initial stages of the Spatialisateur project. This project is a collaboration between IRCAM and Espaces Nouveaux, with the support of France Telecom (CNET). Several aspects of this work are covered by issued or pending patents.


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