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8 documents correspondent à votre requête
Farner, Snorre |
Comparison of transposition methods [Farner07a] [6] |
2007 |
Farner, Snorre |
Transformation of a normal voice to whisper [Farner07b] [6] |
2007 |
Farner, Snorre |
Transformations de type et de nature de la voix [Farner07c] [6] |
2007 |
Farner, Snorre |
Whisper from normal voice by manipulation of low-frequency spectral tilt [Farner07d] [6] |
2007 |
Farner, Snorre |
Compensation for loss of high frequencies upon downward transposition with SuperVP [Farner07e] [6] |
2007 |
Farner, Snorre |
Perceptual evaluation of transformation of voice sex and age [Farner08a] [6] |
2008 |
Farner, Snorre |
Voice transformation and speech synthesis for video games [Farner08b] [3] |
2008 |
Farner, Snorre |
Natural transformation of type and nature of the voice for extending vocal repertoire in high-fidelity applications [Farner09a] [3] |
2009 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |