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36 documents correspondent à votre requête
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
A hierarchy of sensitivity to temporal asymmetry [Pressnitzer00b] [1] |
2000 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
A MEG study. Proceedings of the Joint Congress [Pressnitzer04i] [3] |
2004 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Acoustics, psychoacoustics and spectral music [Pressnitzer00q] [1] |
2000 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Acoustics, psychoacoustics, and spectral music [Pressnitzer98b] [1] |
1998 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
An effect of the coherence between envelopes across frequency regions on the perception of roughness [Pressnitzer99e] [2] |
1999 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Auditory signal processing: physiology, psychoacoustics, and models [Pressnitzer04g] [7] |
2004 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Distortion products and the perceived pitch of harmonic complex tones [Pressnitzer01b] [2] |
2001 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Influence de la phase sur la perception de rugosité de sons complexes [Pressnitzer97d] [3] |
1997 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Influence of Phase Effects on Roughness Modeling [Pressnitzer97a] [3] |
1997 |
Pressnitzer, Daniel |
Influence of phase effects on roughness modeling and control [Pressnitzer97e] [3] |
1997 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |