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%0 Generic
%A Fanchon, Léa
%T Temporal Analysis of Mixed Intrumental/Electronic Music Scores
%D 2012
%C Paris
%I Ecole Centrale Paris
%F Fanchon12a
%X The subject of this internship was to add a static-analysis module to the score-following system Antescofo. The aim of this static-analysis module is to forecast the temporal behavior of the system during live performances, providing a substantial help to both composers and interprets. We follow an approach similar to the Inverse Method implemented by Etienne André in the tool IMITATOR. This method permits to infer constraints on the timing bounds (parametric delays) in timed automata guarantying the same execution trace as for given reference values for the delays. In our case, the parameters should represent the tempo of the musician, and the constraints should restrict the tempo variations, indicating the degree of freedom in interpretation guarantying the expected realtime behavior of the system. For musicality reasons, we found a way to relax the notion of same execution trace to some alternatives.
%1 8
%2 1