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%0 Book Section
%A Giavitto, Jean-Louis
%A Michel, Olivier
%A Spicher, Antoine
%T Interaction−Based Modeling of Morphogenesis in MGS
%D 2013
%E R. Doursat and H. Sayama
%B Morphogenetic Engineering
%I Springer
%P 409-440
%F Giavitto13c
%X In this chapter, we advocate a domain specific language (DSL) approach to overcome the difficulties of modeling and simulating morphogenetic processes. A careful discussion of the design goals of a DSL leads to the development of an ex- perimental programming language called MGS. Its declarative approach is based on the notion of topological collection originating from algebraic topology. Topologi- cal collections arise naturally when modeling a "dynamical system with a dynamic structure", or (DS)2, as the state of the system. The evolution function of the system is specified by a transformation, which is a set of rewriting rules where each rule defines a local interaction. We illustrate these notions through different models of the same morphogenetic process: the growth of a T-shaped structure. The objective is to show how a variety of models can be consistently handled within the MGS framework. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33902-8_16
%1 4
%2 3