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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Carpentier, Thibaut
    %A BAHU, Hélène
    %A Noisternig, Markus
    %A Warusfel, Olivier
    %T Measurement of a head-related transfer function database with high spatial resolution
    %D 2014
    %B 7th Forum Acusticum
    %C Krakow
    %F Carpentier14b
    %K HRTF
    %K HRIR
    %K binaural
    %K head-related transfer function
    %K SOFA
    %X This paper describes a database of high spatial resolution head-related transfer functions (HRTF) measurements for 54 subjects (42 males, 12 females) and 3 dummy heads. The head-related impulse responses (HRIR) have been measured in IRCAM’s anechoic chamber using the exponentional sweep sine technique and a sampling rate of 96 kHz. Microphones were positionned at the entrance of the blocked ear canal. The spatial sampling scheme is based on a Gaussian grid and includes 1680 directions with full azimuth range (0° to 360°), and elevation ranging from -51° to +86°. The angular step size is approximately 6 degrees in both dimensions. The subjects head position and orientation are tracked with an infrared optical motion capture system. The HRIR are publicly available in the standardized SOFA file format.
    %1 6
    %2 3

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