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48 documents correspondent à votre requête
Huber, Stefan |
Voice quality transformation using an extended source-filter speech model [Huber15a] [3] |
2015 |
Obin, Nicolas |
Un modèle de durée des syllabes fondé sur les propriétés syllabiques intrinsèques et les variations locales de débit [Obin08c] [3] |
2008 |
Beller, Grégory |
Transformation of Expressivity in Speech [Beller09c] [2] |
2009 |
Lorenzo-Trueba, Jaime |
Towards Glottal Source Controllability in Expressive Speech Synthesis [LorenzoTrueba12a] [3] |
2012 |
Obin, Nicolas |
Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features [Obin10a] [3] |
2010 |
Moorer, James A. |
The Use of the Linear Prediction of Speech in Computer Music Applications [Moorer78a] [7] |
1978 |
Obin, Nicolas |
Symbolic Modeling of Prosody: From Linguistics to Statistics [Obin15a] [1] |
2015 |
Obin, Nicolas |
Syll-O-Matic: an Adaptive Time-Frequency Representation for the Automatic Segmentation of Speech into Syllables [Obin13a] [3] |
2013 |
Obin, Nicolas |
Stylization and Trajectory Modelling of Short and Long Term Speech Prosody Variations [Obin11a] [3] |
2011 |
Roebel, Axel |
Speech to chant transformation with the phase vocoder [Roebel07d] [3] |
2007 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |