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76 documents correspondent à votre requête
Kahle, Eckhard |
Influence of Size and Composition of the Orchestra on the Perception of Room Acoustical Quality [Kahle95b] [3] |
1995 |
Kahle, Eckhard |
Subjective Listening Tests in Concert Halls [Kahle95a] [3] |
1995 |
Koliopoulou, Evangelia |
Etude de la description morphologique des sons environnementaux [Koliopoulou12a] [5] |
2012 |
Lakatos, Stephen |
The representation of auditory source characteristics [Lakatos97a] [1] |
1997 |
Lang, Alexandre |
Effets perceptifs du contrôle du rayonnement acoustique [Lang07a] [5] |
2007 |
Lartillot, Olivier |
Musical Analysis by Computer Following Cognitive Model of Induction of Analogies. [Lartillot02c] [3] |
2002 |
Lartillot, Olivier |
Perception-Based Advanced Description of Abstract Musical Content. [Lartillot03b] [2] |
2003 |
Lemaitre, Guillaume |
Non-Verbal Imitations as a Sketching Tool for Sound Design [Lemaitre14a] [2] |
2014 |
Ludlow, Vicky |
Perceptive approach for sound synthesis by physical modelling [LUDLOW08b] [5] |
2008 |
Marin, Cécile |
Segregation of Concurrent Sounds [Marin91a] [1] |
1991 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |