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11 documents correspondent à votre requête
Lerdahl, Fred |
La composition assistée par ordinateur [Lerdahl86a] [7] |
1986 |
Chemillier, Marc |
Analysis and Computer Reconstruction of a Musical Fragment of György Ligeti's Melodien [Chemillier94a] [1] |
1995 |
Andreatta, Moreno |
Formalisation algébrique des structures musicales à l’aide de la Set-Theory : aspects théoriques et analytiques [Andreatta03f] [3] |
2003 |
Dubnov, Shlomo |
Using Machine-Learning Methods for Musical Style Modeling [Dubnov03a] [1] |
2003 |
Andreatta, Moreno |
Algebraic Models in Music Theory, Analysis and Compositio: Towards a Formalized Computational Musicology [Andreatta05c] [3] |
2005 |
Noll, Thomas |
Computer-Aided Transformational Analysis with Tone Sieves [Noll06a] [3] |
2006 |
Ahn, Yun-Kang |
Aspects théoriques et computationnels de l'analyse transformationnelle [AHN06b] [5] |
2006 |
Donin, Nicolas |
Theoretical and Methodological Issues Related to Long Term Creative Cognition: the Case of Musical Composition [Donin07c] [1] |
2007 |
Bigo, Louis |
Spatial Programming for Music Representation and Analysis [Bigo10b] [3] |
2010 |
Mazzola, Guerino |
Celebrating Rudolf Wille’s 75th anniversary and his contributions to mathematical music theor [Mazzola12a] [1] |
2012 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |